Privacy, atmospheric, leisure, nature, relaxation, culture, Mediterranean
La Sarrasine offers to those seeking the optimal experience an opportunity to retreat and rise above the distractions of everyday life. Within its medieval walls combined with contemporary furnishings, recreation and relaxation exude through the air.
Le village d’Aiguèze domine la falaise et l’entrée de la réserve naturelle des « Gorges de l’Ardèche » avec ses canyons, ses rochers abrupts qui contraste avec de douces collines consacrées à la viticulture. Profitez du savoir-vivre provençal en prenant l’apéritif sous les platanes centenaires. Essayez-vous à la pétanque, un activité typiquement provençale, en écoutant le chant des cigales.
You are walking in the village of Aiguèze, which reigns above the cliffs giving an unrestricted panoramic view. On one side a nature reserve, the canyon of «Les Gorges l’Ardeche» and on the other side its soft rolling vineyard hills. The rustic charm and tranquillity of the countryside are easily enjoyed just by sitting under the Platanus trees which are hundreds of years old. Unwind with an aperitif listening to the songs of the grasshoppers, watching the locals playing a game of pétanque (bowles).